Adult Mission Volunteer Health Information and Emergency Contact

Please complete the form and click submit. The information will be kept in the strictest confidence. This is standard, but critical information for First Presbyterian Church of Saline to be able to protect you, your family and the ministry to the greatest extent possible. We want to make sure that if an emergency occurs, the correct knowledge and preparation is in place to properly care for you.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.

Note: It is each participant’s responsibility to bring needed / appropriate medications (i.e. EpiPens, insulin, inhalers and prescription medications) with you to the site.
First Presbyterian Church of Saline cannot be responsible for these medications.

Please list who could be contacted on your behalf in case of emergency:



I have provided this health information with knowledge of the conditions and activities contemplated during this mission trip. I have listed on this form all physical or emotional disabilities which would impair my participation. I am taking only the medication listed on this form and have no allergies known to me except as noted.

In the event of illness or injury, I authorize the physician and/or hospital to undertake such treatment of and perform such services (including surgical service) as are reasonably indicated by the circumstances.



Please complete the form and click submit. The information will be kept in the strictest confidence. This is standard, but critical information for First Presbyterian Church of Saline to be able to protect you, your family and the ministry to the greatest extent possible. We want to make sure that if an emergency occurs, the correct knowledge and preparation is in place to properly care for you.