I, the undersigned, Volunteer, freely, voluntarily, and after reading carefully, execute this Volunteer Release and Waiver of Liability on the date printed below, agreeing as follows:
Volunteer Status/Insurance: I understand and acknowledge that I am a volunteer, not an employee of First Presbyterian Church of Saline (FPCS). As a volunteer, I am not entitled to employee or other benefits from FPCS, such as health or accident insurance, workers compensation benefits, or compensation for duties performed or hours worked. I understand it is my responsibility to provide my own health, disability, liability or accident insurance to cover my claims or damages from any injury, illness, death or property damage I suffer while performing volunteer work for First Presbyterian Church of Saline.
Assumption of Risk/Release: As a volunteer for First Presbyterian Church of Saline, I understand that I will engage in hazardous work that involves a risk of illness, physical injury, property damage or death, from hard physical labor, heavy lifting, exposure to environmental hazards such as mold or inclement weather, and work on ladders, roofs or other elevated or damaged structures. I also understand that I may be provided equipment to use in performing volunteer activities which is dangerous to operate and can cause serious injury or death. I hereby assume all risks associated with performance of these activities and operation of this equipment, and release and forever discharge First Presbyterian Church of Saline from any and all liability for claims of damages I might have as a result of my volunteer work with First Presbyterian Church of Saline and any related claims or damages arising from First Presbyterian Church of Saline’s selection of work sites or activities, provision of equipment or provision of food, lodging or transportation in connection with my volunteer duties. I understand that First Presbyterian Church of Saline is not responsible for the safety or security of my personal effects and release FPCS from liability for theft, damage or destruction of my personal property.
Ministry Photographs and Video: I acknowledge and agree that while volunteering with FPCS, my activities may be photographed or videotaped. I hereby consent to the use by FPCS and/or its authorized representatives of photographs or videos in which I appear, and acknowledge and agree that I have no ownership rights in or to those photographs or videos. I hereby release FPCS, its agents and assigns from any claims that I may have relating to any photographs or videos, including without limitation, and claim arising under the right of publicity, right of privacy, defamation and /or copyright infringement.
Emergency Medical Care: I hereby consent to the provision or procurement by FPCS of emergency medical care or first aid in the event I suffer any illness or accident while performing volunteer activities. I hereby release, discharge, and hold First Presbyterian Church of Saline harmless from any claim related to the provision of such emergency medical care.
Code of Conduct: Teams should represent Jesus Christ in their attitudes, behaviors, speech, dress, and demonstrate love and kindness toward one another and those being served. At no time will foul language or unclean jokes be permitted. While representing FPCS, we ask that you refrain from alcohol, drugs and tobacco products. They are not permitted at the FPCS mission site or in FPCS’s vehicles. At no time shall there be alcohol, drug or tobacco use within the homes of families if being served by recovery efforts. We ask that volunteers also refrain from alcohol use while traveling to and from mission/disaster relief sites. As a volunteer representative of FPCS, please use discretion in all activities and present a strong witness. Firearms are not permitted onsite or in vehicles en route to and from disaster/mission sites. Team members should dress modestly in accordance with Christian standards as well as appropriately for the tasks they are performing. Clothing should not be unduly tight or revealing. Examples of unacceptable clothing include: halter tops, bare midriff separates, short shorts, etc.